Monday, February 20, 2012

How to Sync Multiple iTunes Libraries to Your iPhone Using MultiTunes

Step One
Launch Cydia from your SpringBoard.

Step Two
Tap to select Sections from the tabs across the bottom of the screen.

Step Three
Select Utilities from the list of sections displayed.

Step Four
Choose MultiTunes from the list of packages.

Step Five
Press the Install button at the top right of the screen.

Step Six
Press the Confirm button to begin installation.

Step Seven
Once the installation has completed successfully press the large Return to Cydia button.

Step Eight
Press the Home button to return to your SpringBoard and launch MultiTunes.

Step Nine
Press the + button at the top right of the screen.

Step Ten
Enter a name for a second library to be synced to your iOS device and press the Done button.

Step Eleven
Select the library you just created from the list and then connect your device to iTunes and sync with the new library.

***Important: This app does NOT sync apps with multiple libraries, so be sure to only sync apps with your default library. Before downloading content from the iTunes app, make sure your default library is selected in this app. Otherwise, your content may not download properly.

Step Twelve
You can now open at MultiTunes at any time to switch libraries.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Update to Corona Untethered Jailbreak Released

An update to the Corona Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 has been released in Cydia.

Saurik notes that all users jailbroken on iOS 5.0.1 should install the update.

@planetbeing put a lot of work into solving iBooks image loading bugs. All users (however jailbroken) on 5.0.1 should install.

So, most of the feedback I have received from "all users (however jailbroken) running 5.0.1" has been "even me? I did X.": yes, even you. ;P

You can find the Corona package in the System section of Cydia.

This doesn't apply to "old bootrom" iPhone 3GS users.

Read More

Fix caller name is not displayed on khmer carrier in iPhone 4.x and iPhone 5.x

- Goto Cydia add source :
- Install "Khmer CallerID-Format Fix..."

- Respring and enjoy.

Apple Has Spent More Than 100 Million Dollars on Android War

By now, most of you have heard Steve Jobs’ infamous “war on Android” quote from his recently-released biography. It goes something like, “I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.”

He wasn’t kidding. The latest estimates suggest that Apple’s litigation fees its incurred in its ongoing legal battles with Android manufacturers add up to more than $100 million dollars. And the war is far from over…

Newsweek contributor Dan Lyons reported the staggering number this morning on his personal blog, citing a person familiar with the situation:

“But a person close to the situation tells me there’s a rumor going around among the lawyers that Apple spent $100 million just on its first set of claims against HTC. Who knows if it’s true, but if so, Apple didn’t get a lot for its money.”

For the most part, Lyons is correct. Although Apple has won a number of court victories over the past two years, including multiple injunctions against Samsung in Europe and Australia, they’ve yielded little results in the grand scheme of things.

As expensive as lawyers are individually, it’s not hard to imagine that Apple’s crack team of litigators cost a fortune. And if its efforts against HTC are running in the neighborhood of $100 million dollars, you have to wonder what Apple has spent on its entire endeavor.

Has it been worth it?

Enable Siri to do Almost Anything With Cydia Tweak AssistantExtensions

We’ve already said this before and we’ll say it again. Siri is amazing and is one of the strongest reasons why anyone would want to buy the iPhone 4S. And after the release of the iPhone 4s Jailbreak, Siri has been doing things that it never could before. Take the Sireet Cydia tweak for example, it can be used to tweet with the help of Siri on your iPhone 4S.This new Cydia tweak, AssistantExtensions, gives Siri much more power than what it has now. It’s not just a tweak, but it is a framework that increases the possibilities of what can be done using Siri. The AssistanExtensions Cydia tweak is based upon MobileSubstrate and can be used to control a lot of things on your iPhone 4S. 

Here is a list of things that AssistantExtensions Cydia tweak can do out-of-the-box:System commands: tweet, show tweet, launch apps, set brightness to XX %, restart springboard, generate a random number and more.

Toggles: you can literally toggle on/off all the shortcuts found in SBSettings.Chat Bot: You can chat with Siri. To start, just say “Let’s chat” and wait a moment. Loading times will be improved a lot in future releases.That’s not it. Since this is a MobileSubstrate tweak, hackers and developers can come up with their own extensions for the tweak, which means more commands. There already is a YouTube extension that shows thumbnails of search results via Siri. 

Another neat aspect to this tweak is that it will also have multi-lingual support in the future, in case you speak a language that Siri can’t understand.This is a serious tweak and will extend Siri’s capabilities much more. And to top it all, the AssistantExtensions tweak is available as a FREE download from the BigBoss repo. So go on, what are you waiting for?

The iWatch 2 Concept With FaceTime Camera, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth & More

Italian outfit ADR Studios, has thrown up yet another tasty concept we can only but wish were a real product. Now iWatch2 is like a jewel, in its black slide-to-open-box, with a new slim design like its brother iPhone SJ.

iWatch2 packs many of the same features as its predecessor, and with FaceTime now beginning to pick up pace, it also includes a front-facing camera. Much like the transition from the original iPad to the iPad 2, the more significant changes are those seen immediately upon opening the box.

Described by its creator as being “like a jewel,” it comes packaged in a black, slide-to-open-box, and is significantly thinner than the original iWatch. The main body of the device consists of polycarbonate, and features an aluminum chassis, making the entire design look that tad bit classier.

Finally, the wrist strap comes in five different colors, each of which feature polycarbonate insert, leaves the possibility of direct connectivity to other iDevices up to the imagination.

Steve Jobs Kept Bill Gates' Letter by His Bed When Passed Away

In an interview with The Telegraph, Bill Gates reveals that he wrote Steve Jobs a letter just before the Apple co-founder passed away. And seems it meant a lot to Jobs, as he kept the letter by his bed until passed away.

The letter came after a personal visit from Gates where the two "spent literally hours reminiscing and talking about the future."

With Jobs' death imminent, Gates wrote to him. "I told Steve about how he should feel great about what he had done and the company he had built. I wrote about his kids, whom I had got to know." The letter wasn't conciliatory, says Gates. "There was no peace to make. We were not at war. We made great products, and competition was always a positive thing. There was no [cause for] forgiveness."

Following the death of Steve Jobs, Gates received a call from his wife Laurene. "She said; 'Look, this biography really doesn't paint a picture of the mutual respect you had.' And she said he'd appreciated my letter and kept it by his bed."

Gates notes that while the two were competitors they both respected each other's accomplishments.

"Steve was an incredible genius who contributed immensely to the field I was in. We had periods, like the early Macintosh, when we had more people working on it than they did. And then we were competitors. The personal computers I worked on had a vastly higher [market] share than Apple until really the last five or six years, where Steve's very good work on the Mac and on iPhones and iPads did extremely well. It's quite an achievement, and we enjoyed each [other's work]."

How to Fix White or Missing Icons After Jailbreaking with Absinthe

Some users reported they enconter weird things when they jailbreaking their iPhone 4S with Absinthe, sometimes displaying white icons or even transparent icons for certain applications. Here is an easy way to fix it.Their is not a explain for that bugs, but to fix this problem, you can just simply download iWipe Cache from Cydia, and run the app. According to the app description, iWipe Cache allows you to:

Clear your SpringBoard Cache to ensure all images from any theme will work with WinterBoard. Due to Winterboard being very out of date, It does not clear springboard cache. This app will clear your cache, allowing new masks and overlays to be applied to Icons.

As you can see, iWipe Cache was apparently developed to fix WinterBoard problems, but since it I don’t have WinterBoard installed on my iPhone 4S, I know for sure my blank icons issues aren’t due to this app.

Additionally, it seems that doing a respring temporarily fixes the problem. Respringing hasn’t proven very effective in my case, which is why I recommend the iWipe Cache option, over a simple respring.

iOSOpenDev Let You Use Xcode To Develop Cydia Tweats

The iOSOpenDev project will come with Xcode templates for creating common types of jailbreak tweaks, including Activator listeners, command line tools, dynamic libraries, Notification Center widgets, SBSettings toggles, and Mobile Substrate tweaks. It will even build .deb files of the completed projects for when a developer wants to submit to Cydia for publication. The project should be available soon, but there is not ETA at the moment. We will keep you updated. Stay tuned…

ColoredKnob - Jailbreak App to Color The 'Slide to Unlock'

ColoredKnob is a simple tweak that adds a bit of color to your unlock slider. It's free on Cydia for downlaod.

Change color to slide to unlock knob; chose from Red, Green or Grey. Configure from Settings app.

Unfortunately, you can't customize the color; perhaps the developers will consider this for a future update.

You can download ColoredKnob from the Big Boss Cydia repository.

Zeppelin Allows You To Add Custom Carrier Logos On Your iPhone

Zeppelin is a MobileSubstrate tweak that enables easy Carrier Logo switching in iOS, reports ModMyi.

Zeppelin doesn't just change your carrier text, it lets you replace that text with an image. The tweak includes a few default images: Android, Aperture Science, Assassin's Creed, Batman, Beats by dre, Blue Cloud, Infiniti, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Superman, Triforce.

If you want to add your own icons you can use iFile or SSH to place them in /Library/Zeppelin.

Zeppelin is a free download from the ModMyi Cydia Repository.

The logos are high quality and are made in a professional way. Once you install Zeppelin from Cydia, respring your device then tap on Setting > Zeppeling. As shown in the screenshot above, you can select the logo you wish.

Here are the logos available for now:

*Aperture Science
*Assassin’s Creed
*Beats by dre
*Blue Cloud
*Space Invaders
*Which one did you choose?