Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Whited00r 7 brings iOS 7’s new look to older devices

Whited00r 7 brings the look and feel of iOS7 to older devices no longer supported by Apple. Our firmware has been engineered to replicate iOS7 down to the smallest detail. Whited00r’s first priority is speed. None of the modifications Whited00r makes to your device will slow it down.

Some of Whited00r 7’s features:
Multitasking with a card-based interface:

Control Center

iOS 7 like Push Notifications.

For the entire feature list, visit this page.

Whited00r 7 is compatible with the following devices:
iPhone 2G
iPhone 3G
iPod touch 1G
iPod touch 2G

If you’re interested, you can see the installation instructions here. Note that Whited00r is completely unofficial, so proceed with caution.

Saurik Releases Cydia Substrate 0.9.5000 With Support for iOS 7 and the iPhone 5s

Saurik has just released Mobile Substrate 0.9.5000 now which is fully supported with iOS7 and the iPhone 5s. So hit cydia and update all the updates in changes tab. Everything should be fine now.. for font khmer you can reinstall the font and keyboard.

Khmer font, keyboard for iOS7 on iPAD

. Browse this link on your safari www.4khmeriphone.com/ios7
. Add source to your cydia 4khmeriphone.com/sp
. Install iOS 7+ 5Rows keyboard for iPad
. Respring.. 
. Done

Khmer font, keyboard for iOS7 on iPhone

. Add Repo : 4khmeriphone/sp to your cydia
. Install iOS 7+ 5rows keyboard for iPhone.

If you see thai keyboard instead, then try this following : 
. remove the keyboard and font from cydia 
. Install iFile from Cydia
. Use iFile to delete /var/mobile/Library/Caches/com.apple.keyboards
. Reinstall Mobile Substrate
. Re-install iOS 7+ 5rows for iPhone

Thursday, December 19, 2013


1. sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg
2. Replace set default="0" WITH set default="x"
3. Reboot

Note : index is started from ZERO and x is your prefered boot order.
so according to the picture windows 7 is number 4.