Sunday, March 22, 2015

TinyUmbrella is back with a hope of downgrading..

Semaphore is a dev of TinyUmbrella tools has just released a new beta tools which is allow to save SHSH blob (Firmware signature) of the current firmware 8.1.3 and 8.2 (AS LONG AS Apple still signing.)

For those of you who don't know that apple not allowing you to downgrade to any previous firmware which is keeping you from jailbreaking your iDevice on the possible firmware version. That is what TinyUmbrella comes to play.

The SHSH blob is very important to create a pre-signed firmware which is cooked by redsn0w which bypass the apple firmware signing.But unfortunately Apple has blocked this possibility from iPhone4s up to later devices.

But good news Semaphore has just mentioned that TinyUmbrella will become useful again. So while apple still signing 8.1.3 and 8.2 which is claimed to be able to jailbreak by TaiG and will be releasing by the end of this month, so don't loose this chance. SAVE SHSH BLOB for your iDEVICES NOW !!!

The instruction is simple : goto download TinyUmbrella
currently there are both mac and windows version, and after that just launch the tools and click on Fetch OTA for All, and stay tuned...

Note : The SHSH blobs are saved at the following location: ~/.tu/.shsh

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