We all know that backing up SHSH blobs allows users to easily downgrade devices in the future, by simply restoring the device using iTunes. The problem is that once Apple stops signing the old firmware, there is no way to get SHSH blobs for it. This is where iFaith comes in, it allows users to dump SHSH files for the old firmware running on the device even if Apple is not signing the firmware.

For instance, you can dump the SHSH of the current firmware on your device, so long as the device is susceptible to the Limera1n jailbreak (Everything but the iPad 2) Apple does not have to be signing the SHSH in order for you to dump the blob.
*Note the iPod Touch 2G and iPhone 3G will not work since they will always be jailbreakable. The iPad 2 will not work because it is not susceptible to Limera1n. A jailbreak is not needed for this.
Step One
Download the iFaith from the bottom of Post
Step Two
Extract the downloaded zip file, and double click the iFaith.exe file.

Step Three
A disclaimer will appear. Read the notice and click ok to proceed.

Step Four
Click the Dump SHSH Blobs button

Step Five
Read the information and click Proceed when you are ready.

Finally, click the Let's Go! button to start the dumping process.

Step Six
If you are dumping an Apple TV 2, indicate it when iFaith asks you

Step Seven
Follow the DFU Instructions to place your device in DFU Mode. You can find more on entering DFU mode here.

Press Power and home for 10 Seconds

Release the power button, but keep holding the Home

Once Successful, iFaith will dump the SHSH of your current firmware. It will go through each step which could take a few minutes.

Step Eight
When completed, iFaith will ask you where to locally save the SHSH.

Indicate where you want to save the SHSH file.

Step Nine
iFaith will notify you that the process was successful




Download the iFaith from the bottom of Post
Step Two
Extract the downloaded zip file, and double click the iFaith.exe file.

Step Three
A disclaimer will appear. Read the notice and click ok to proceed.

Step Four
Click the Dump SHSH Blobs button

Step Five
Read the information and click Proceed when you are ready.

Finally, click the Let's Go! button to start the dumping process.

Step Six
If you are dumping an Apple TV 2, indicate it when iFaith asks you

Step Seven
Follow the DFU Instructions to place your device in DFU Mode. You can find more on entering DFU mode here.

Press Power and home for 10 Seconds

Release the power button, but keep holding the Home

Once Successful, iFaith will dump the SHSH of your current firmware. It will go through each step which could take a few minutes.

Step Eight
When completed, iFaith will ask you where to locally save the SHSH.

Indicate where you want to save the SHSH file.

Step Nine
iFaith will notify you that the process was successful




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